Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Le moi errant: Distance

The distance has several measures. The most common is space. We have point A and point B and measure how many units of things there are in that space. If we, Europeans, say meters the Americans say miles. The important thingis the physical quantity to know what separates the two points. Another way is to measure the distance with time. We measure how many beats there is between someone getting from point A to point B. This is called minutes, hours or days.

Since I started the trip, I discovered that it was not yet devised a measure for its distance. I know I've spent more than three months since I started it. Or that I am over 10 000 kms from my hometown. But this does not measure the distance I already walked. In a trip, you multiply time with moments, and space is diminished by contact. This changes all the concepts you have learned throughout your life. I believe that transmitting distance is the most difficult task I have. Today, three months later, much has happened. I'm not the same. However, I never felt so close to myself.

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