It's almost finished. It was a brutal experience. Those that change you, and you cannot return from it. It is another strange coming out of India. But before I do so, I wanted to share some tips about this huge country. Maybe can help you out when you venture in here:
1 – No tips makes sense in India
Forget everything I will say. Chances are that it does not apply. And being in India maybe they will. Confused? Great. Now you are already enjoying a bit of India. This country is unpredictable. It will be what you are. Its charm is that, to never be the same. So you are really on your own.
2 - It all makes sense and also its opposite
Perhaps the most loved feature of India for me. Here the reality is very different from ours. We are so used to have white, black and a set of gray in between, we get confused when we land here. Here the reality is quantic and not linear. Therefore, there is no other way to find out but to experience it. What appears to be dirty is not. The poor is rich and wiser than you. So come with an open mind to something you've never seen.
3 - The letter P was invented to build the word patience and for you to use it here
If you do not have it, you'll start. If you already have, it will increase. India is not easy. It can, if you let it, lead you to madness. But the secret is right there: it's all in your hands. If you want, you will find many reasons for you to get upset. Transport with delays, something fixed that does not happen or even desperate at the pace of the employee of the restaurant. But on the other hand, you can become aware of this reality and adapt to what is around you. Either way, bring a good dose of patience. You will need it.
4 - India has existed for thousands of years and will continue to exist after you get off here
I would say this is the Western syndrome. I went through the same. At the beginning everything is overwhelming. And while you're in "Western" mode you will have a strong desire to help or change this reality. Forget it. India is older than any European nation and has survived basically everything. So it must be doing something right. Anyway, this is a society with its rules, and is not in the small period you're here that something will change.
5 - Be careful what you wish for
This is perhaps one of the biggest tips. Usually you end up getting what you desire but not the way you had imagined. So be very careful with what you are looking for. For sure you will find it.
6 - There is every reason not to work, but it works
This is one of the charms of this multi-country. Regardless of what you see, things work. Often seems like pure magic. At least that's what I think whenever I look at an electricity pole, or when I'm in traffic. Therefore, and despite what all your instincts tell you, you can be sure it will work.
7 - The Indians created Murphy's Law and its antidote
Murphy's Law should be called the Indian law, such is the propensity for failure. They have invented this law, but also learned to find its solution. Thus, more than stress is better for you to let things flow for a solution appear. And here the balance is the dominant note. You cannot be passive or too active. The trick is to find the points that make things happen. I recall the day I sent the photos to reveal. I wanted to offer them to people in the villages where I had shoot them. I was going to stay only one more day there so I knew I was taking a risk. Of course, the unexpected happened and the pictures went to another village. And at the time, instead of bothering me and worry, I basically made a point to emphasize the promise he had made. Three hours later I had the photos in hand and a smile in my face.
8 - Easy is something that does not match India
If you walk looking for an easy experience don't come to India. And difficult means... difficult. So ponder always very well before you decide to come here. India can be your best or worst experience. But if you're prepared for it (you never are but what counts is that you think so), and if you accept what India has to offer, you'll have the experience of your life.
9 - You can only receive what you give
Perhaps the greatest gift I received, but one that I have to warn you. India is what you are. Or rather, what you give. Never felt so much reciprocity as here. If I woke up with a less friendly face India turned into something aggressive and hard. If I had a big smile then India was something magnificent. And in that sense India is very generous. What you give it returns 10 times more. But that is for all that you give, whether good or bad. You begin to understand what is around you is in your hands, and you end up starting a trip within yourself which will change you.
10 - Get ready for smiles
And this is the biggest tip of all. I know people - and I will not be different when you ask me - have a tendency to highlight the worst. In this case the garbage, confusion, hustle, hustle, children asking for something, the streets turn into public toilletes, etc ... But this is something you overtake in an instant. What crushes you and reduces into the most insignificant being is the smile of a child. They are brutal and it will undo everything you have inside. So - and despite knowing that it is impossible - prepare your body to feel the brutal and gentle power of the smile of Indian children ...
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