Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Le moi errant: Heart

It is a painful process. When you leave a place, your body reacts. You gave something of yourself, and that stays in place your are leaving. It stays in the landscape that steals a sigh, a smile that touched you or in a person you shared a great time with.

There are many emotions, all of which are intense. Often you feel happiness without measure for what you see, and end up being crushed into a state of humility by the stories that come your way. You live a dream and your heart accompanies it. When it is time to say goodbye, your shed a tear of emotion.

Despite the natural instinct to protect, I end up deciding not to. It is not worth to protect this pain from me. The heart is something unique. No matter how much it is broken, it never gets smaller. And despite the suffering, soon you are more open to life. Then, when you look at the scars, you do not see pain or suffering, but you will find a map of your happiness. 

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