Monday, January 2, 2012

Flying to Bangalore...

And no sooner I set foot inside the bus, there he was. He screamed for me, something I failed to notice. When I turn, I see the rickshaw driver that "welcomed" me when I arrived in Hampi.

"Remember me" asks me with a smile. How could I forget. Along my stay, I still had to say no a few more times. Nothing that he did not accept sportingly.
"Of course yes. I'm leaving ... "I tell him smiling back.
"You did not give me any bussiness, m'n!"
"I told you ... You were your wasting your time ... and money ... " and with this we say goodbye as good old "adversaries".

And with that, ended my adventure in Hampi. Now I went to Hospet, the the pivot city of this region. From there I would take a bus to my first major Indian city - Bangalore. But before, one more good conversation with another traveler - Selina - and momentary reunion with Oscar. The charm of Hampi, and supervision of Ganesha, still lingered.

After a few hours the bus arrived... to my relief. It was well over 30 minutes of scheduled time. This time there was no request for money or additional person. All very simple. Too simple. Place seen - this time on top - well accommodated, and another journey began. The space is not large but is enough for a person to sleep at ease. I just have a curtain, and two iron bars separating me from the hallway. By this time, it was still a minor detail.

I contemplate the landscape. The Indian forest wins a mystical charm in the moonlight. We can easily see why this region is so rich in stories. Everything around us pulls our imagination and mysticism. Fatigue however wins and I accommodate myself. When I was in that world between dream and reality ... uiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... Plash. The challenge of gravity was exceeded. It's a strange feeling when the ground flees beneath our feet... Well, in this case, body.

And what was a small detail - only to be protected from the aisle by two iron bars and a curtain - is now very present in my mind. Time to adjust body position to ensure that I wouldn't be fired into the ground.

The trip continued with a few more challenges to gravity. Once more, and the cost of some buffers, I arrive sooner than expected and before sunrise. And so, half asleep, I have the first impression of the city. All is calm at this time - except for the rickshaw d
rivers. With the experience of Hampi still in mind, I know I have about 10 minutes until I am alone. However, it is enough time to get away, buy tobacco and take the rickshaw to the hotel in this city that now wakes up...

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