Monday, April 23, 2012


A mere chance determined that instead of two X's I had an X and a Y. And because of this detail, doors opened, my life was easier and I walk through this world without the worries of many people. Nobody wants to touch me, spend hours staring at me or invite me to a "quickie". A reality so completely different that would change my trip.
That's what I felt while sweating profusely at two in the morning and chatted with Shyla. I knew her in Bangkok. We were at the door of where we lived - fruit of my addiction to nicotine - and the words flowed endlessly. Ironically, I got to know better a reality that I had physically abandoned: India.
And there - that little couch on the sidewalk of a Thai street – I recalled other places of the trip and my own country. I saw how the reality is still so cruel to women. A world of privileges for those lucky enough to have a Y in the genetic lottery. Another very different for those with X. More struggle, sorrow and disappointment. Even in Europe, the fight is still uneven. In the rest of the world it has just begun.

Traveling is also thinking about the reality that surrounds us. Today I dedicate this post to all women. At that, with a courage that I never needed, travel like me through this world. And to those who fight the hardest one: the struggle of daily life and of their dreams. They fight for a life they are entitled to, making sacrifices that I never even had to consider...

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